Flavor Of The Season

8 04 2009

Well.. that’s the expression of the day! At least for me.. Somehow this phrase holds a special charm from my perspective today.  Has it ever happened to you that you chase a gazillion of dreams over a rolling rainbow for a specific period of time and space only to discard them as worthless stones when that moment of realization twinkles at the corner of the eye? Why is it that all the wishes are endless and all I want is to endup with a little bit of everything in life?

Now, coming to the flavor of the season: its pure work season these days! Yes, days have folded onto months and the definition of time seems to be phasing out of life.. Caught in a race against time, my days are filled in chasing the deadlines which oft fly out of window making me bask in the shimmering afterglow of satisfaction with a delightful chuckle. I am happy, content and have become seemingly immune to everything around me except work. Driven by deadlines.. That just sounds like my tagline these days!

Sometimes, I guess its just best to enjoy the flavor of the season and savor it till it lasts. For, during that weariest part of the day, that tiny weeny dreamer in me still longs for those deliciously gloden sunshine moments of life like idyllic musings, carefree conversations and that warming glow of pals and books. The time for roses would come, all in a moment!



8 responses

8 04 2009

Wow. You resurfaced. Taking a breather?

8 04 2009

was wondering what happened to you ..long time no post;

8 04 2009

@ Vamsi..
Indeed.. A result of a motivational bashing late night.. 🙂 Still in India?

@ Rambler..
Really lost these days.. 😦

8 04 2009

Late night motivational bashing? Sounds fun 🙂

8 04 2009

OH! You’re alive… 🙂 nice to read your post again 🙂

12 04 2009

I really enjoy your perspective and musings.

16 04 2009

“Why is it that all the wishes are endless and all I want is to endup with a little bit of everything in life?” – I can’t agree more. But alas, such is life!

20 04 2009

There you are !!! I was surely going to give you a “Deadline” to update the blog if you hadn’t resurfaced !!!!

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